Thursday 30 December 2010

Trains and Marbles

As Oscar had be given a train set for Christmas we thought he would be interested in seeing a model train set layout.  We therefore went to Trago Mills, near Newton Abbott.

Before looking at the model trains we walked around the Animal Park and saw the pigs, horses, goats, rabbits and birds.  Not bad as free!

Although the snow and ice had all melted from Plymouth at the beginning of the week there was still piles of snow at the sides of roads and some of the ponds were still frozen over.

Oscar was fascinated by the trains following  them as they went around the track.  He enjoyed pressing buttons to activate lights and sounds in the scenery.  It is an excellent exhibition and well worth the £1 entrance fee.

After lunch eaten in the car we drove across to House of Marbles in Bovey Tracey.  Oscar was fascinated by watching the marbles run, but the things he talked about more afterwards was the Father Christmas on the roof waving and the snoring bear in the shop!

Sunday 19 December 2010

Yelverton in the snow

As there was only a thin layer of snow in Plymouth we decided to head out to Dartmoor to find more.  The main road from Plymouth was clear but the side roads very snowy and slippery.  We therefore decided to stop at Yelverton and walk from there.

The nativity scene outside the church, and carols playing outside the shops, made it feel very Christmassy.

We walked down the West Devon Way which was really pretty in the snow - we will definitely return to do more of this walk when the weather is better.


Snow in Plymouth

It is unusual for snow to lay in central Plymouth, but I woke on Friday to find the road outside dusted with snow.  What a great opportunity to introduce my grandson to sledging!  So right after breakfast we went for a brisk walk around Central Park, and found some gentle slopes for him to slide down.

Central Park is a lovely large park and looked even more beautiful in the snow.