Wednesday 28 November 2012

Cothele Christmas Decorations

After many days of heavy rain and flooding we were pleased to see the sun and blue skies this morning, even though there was a cold wind.  As we anticipated that most paths would be muddy we chose to go to Cothele to see the famous Christmas garland.

Although we arrived at Cothele shortly after it had opened there were already a number of people admiring the garland when we entered the hall.  That, and the light streaming in the windows made taking photos difficult.

The garland looked very similar to the garland we saw 2 yeaers ago.  But in addition they had decorated the doors leading into the halls and shields on the walls.

After seeing the garland we went outside to walk around the gardens.  There were still some flowers out in the borders in the upper gardens although they were looking a bit miserable. As we walked down the valley
garden the stream was running fast.  Mahonia  gave bright splashes of colour.


Photos taken on 22.11.2010

Saturday 17 November 2012

Lanhydrock in late autumn

As we drove down to Lanhydrock the trees at the side of the road were very colourful.  But when we walked through the woods from Lanhydrock House to the River Fowey we realised that a lot of the leaves had fallen from the trees so the Autumn spectacular was past its best.  However there was still plenty of colour to see.

We walked along the river bank to Respryn Bridge and then up the Avenue back to Lanhydrock House.  There was not much colour in the gardens either, but it was still a pleasant stroll around it with the far reaching views.

Friday 9 November 2012

Saltram autumn colour

Rain was forecast for this afternoon, so we took a quick walk around the parkland surrounding Saltram House.  From the car park we walked down to the River Plym.  The trees were very colourful.  By the time we reached the beach at the end of the path it was beginning to spot with rain so we walked smartly up the hill back to the car park, without deviating into the woodland at the side.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Autumn Colour at Lukesland

It was a grey day, so we decided to go and look for some autumn colour.  We had not visited Lukesland Gardens, just outside Ivybridge, for several years, and then it was in the spring, but we had heard it was pretty when the leaves changed colour so we went to investigate.  We were not disappointed!  There were many brightly coloured trees, that looked particularly good beside the stream that runs through the gardens.

It was a very pleasant stroll walking beside the stream, crossing a variety of bridges from one side to another, exploring paths going in all directions.  We must definitely go back again in the spring when the rhododendrons are out.