Thursday 17 October 2013

Lanhydrock in early autumn

It was a sunny October day so we thought we would have a walk around the Lanhydrock Estate. We often go to Lanhydrock but usually park in the main car park then walk down to the House and Gardens and from there walk through the woods to the river Fowey.  It is a lovely walk, but it is all uphill on the way back.  So today we decided to park the car at Respryn Bridge and do the walk in the opposite direction.

The river Fowey was flowing fast and it looked very muddy as it had been raining hard over night.  I had hoped that the trees would be colourful as their leaves turned to reds, oranges and yellows, but they were mainly green so not very interesting.

When we got to the Gardens around the House the herbaceous borders were still very colourful.

It was very nice walking down the Avenue back to the car.  It was so much quicker and easier than walking up!

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Saltram in October

It has been a mild autumn so far and today was grey and cloudy with occasional showers.  We did not want to go far so thought we would wander around the gardens at Saltram House  and see what signs of autumn there were there.  We just got into the gardens when it started to rain so we quickly made our way to the Craft Gallery in the Chapel, and browsed around there admiring the art work until the shower past.

Most of the trees still had green leaves on them, but we had not walked far into the gardens before I came to this beech that was showing the wonderful autumn colours.

There were not many flowers in the beds, but I did see this one that looks most tropical.

Ususally when we walk in these gardens we walk up the Lime Avenue and then around and back via the Orangerie and Chapel.  Because of the rain shower today we walked in the opposite direction.  Therefore we did not notice the cyclamen in the Lime Avenue until we came to walk down it.  It was a spectacular sight.