Saturday 3 May 2014

Lanhydrock - Cycle track and Bluebells

It is bluebell season so a lovely time for a walk in the woods around Lanhydrock House in Cornwall.  But before we set off to explore the woodlands we wanted to see the cycle trails that have just been put in near the car park. We obtained a map from the cycle hire centre and followed the signs to the cycle trails.  The first part of the path is for cycles and walkers, but as the paths separated  we decided to follow the green trail, the easiest, which promised 1.5 miles of wide, firm track.  It was an easy walk, mainly through conifer woods, but not much of interest to see.  Many trees had been cut down to make space for the path, and some had obviously been blown down in the storms in the winder.

This is a wonderful facility for families with bikes, but not the most interesting walking routes.  However, we might try some more of the paths another time, in case there is more to see on them.

After lunch we headed down to Lanhydrock House.  As we approached the reception centre we could see bluebells on either side of the path.  The wood on the right was particularly spectacular.

When we entered the gardens at Lanhydrock House  the tulips in the formal beds quickly caught our attention.

The rhoodendrons and azelias brightened the gardens, although some of the rhododendrons were not fully in flower.

From the gardens we walked down through the woods to the River Fowey.  There were bluebells throughout the woods, but some of them were not out as far as those by the Reception Centre.  This meant the looked more like a blue mist in the woods, that was not so spectacular close up but looked lovely in the distance.