Friday 4 June 2021


 Another sunny day so I made an early start and drove to Burrator.  As I approached the reservoir I was met with some highland cattle wandering along the road.  They did not seem to mind the cars, even though they had a young one with them.

I walked from the dam to Norsworthy Bridge, taking the inside path that goes along the shore of the reservoir.  Often there are beaches beside the water but today the reservoir was very full and came right up to the trees.  There were some purple rhododendrons and yellow azaleas that added to the beauty of the scene.  There were also patches of bluebells all the way along.

The path was flat but rough in places with tree roots and stones, so I had to be careful how I walked.  There was a lot of  water flowing into the reservoir but only one stream had overflowed across the path.  As I approached Norseworthy Bridge the river was flowing fast over the stones.

Being out early there was no icecream van at Norseworthy so I had to return without any refreshment.  There wasn't even one at the dam when I returned to my car.  It was a very pleasant walk, with very few people walking along the inside path, although there were a lot of cars at the dam and people walking along the road.  I think the inside path is a secret that few have discovered.