Monday 4 April 2022

Daffodils by River Fowey

 We caught the train to Bodmin Parkway and walked from there along an old carriage way parallel to the River Fowey.  It was a pretty walk with woodland both sides and after the initial slope down nice and flat.  At Rospryn Bridge, after walking through the car park and over the bridge we continued along the river path. There is an accessible path further away from the river, but we chose the rougher path so we were beside the the water.  It was still a reasonable path to walk on, although may not be good after wet weather.  

Soon we were seeing daffodils at the side of the path.  After a while there was a large area of them.  After crossing the bridge we saw many more daffodils on this side of the river.  I would have liked to have explored these woods further but we had a train to catch so returned to the station.  If we had more time we could have walked up to Lanhydrock House or further along the river to Lostwithiel.

However this had been a very pleasant hour walk.