Friday 21 January 2011

The Eden Project

Overnight the temperature was -5 and although the sun came out to bring it above freezing, it was a cold day, so we chose to spend time indoors and visit the biodomes at the Eden Project.  This was a particularly attractive excursion as they were only charging £5 entrance fee for locals and this gave you free entry for the rest of the year.  A good bargain!

The tropical biodome seemed really hot when we went in after the cold outside.  As usual there were many bright coloured plants and information boards on the use of plants.

The Mediterranean biodome seemed quite chilly in comparison to the previous one, and there were not many flowers out.  We then went across to the education building and sat and ate our lunch while watching a film about the history of the Eden Project.
Outside there were a few daffodils, crocuses and cyclamen out but no great show.  The most specatular bed colourwise was the bank of ***.

You could see bulbs coming through the ground and imagine that there will be a wonderful display when they are all out.  Hopefully we will visit at the right time to see them.

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