Tuesday 3 May 2011

Bluebells at Buckland Abbey

It was a showery day, but, trusting that the weather would improve as the afternoon went on, we drove out to Buckland Abbey.  Previously we had done the 2 shortest walks around the estate, so this time we decided to do the longest one.  However, as we went through the reception the person on the desk told us that the red walk (2nd longest) had the best bluebells.  We took his advice and followed the red route, which was very well marked.

To begin with we walked by the side of  a field of sheep and noticed how much the lambs had grown since we were last here.  As soon as we turned into the Great North Wood we were astonished by the numbers of bluebells.

All along the route there were bluebells, not just on either side of the paths, but sometimes in the middle of the path.  It was truly a spectacular show of bluebells.

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