Tuesday 10 January 2012

Parke and Bovey Tracey

We parked the car at the National Trust car park outside Parke.  We walked down to the river Bovey, crossed the bridge and then walked up the river.  It was flowing fast and at times had burst its banks.

At the end of the path we climbed up a small slope to the old railway line which quickly led on to the road.  We followed the road up a long hill.  Half way up there was a gate signposted to Parke, but the walk description told us to continue up the hill and take a later path.  We followed this instruction, but the climb was punishing and having looked at the map back at the car park we wished we had taken the first path.  When we left the road we walked through some woodlands.  It wasn't a particularly interesting walk, although there were some views to the distance.  Perhaps it would have been better when the leaves were on the trees.  At the end of the woods we had to go across a field and then through some more woodland and back to the car park at Parke.

We wanted a longer walk so continued on back to the river, but this time turned right and walked down the river towards Bovey Tracey.  After walking around the town and having lunch we then walked back.

Although it was January it has been so mild that there were primroses out at Parke.

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