Saturday 14 April 2012

Thorn House, Wembury

Thorn House was opening its garden today for charity, and my mother expressed an interest in it so we went to see what it was like.

We turned off the main road to Wembury just before getting to the village and went down a narrow country lane and then a long drive.  There were not many passing places so I was glad we only met one car coming in the opposite direction.  As we drove along we noticed lots of primroses in the hedges at the side of the road.

The view from the courtyard in front of Thorn House,looking up the river was lovely - I was glad it was high tide.

Everywhere we looked in the garden there were masses of primroses.    I have never seen so many primroses massed together.

There were lots of other spring flowers as well, bluebells, cyclamen, camelias, azaleas, etc, but  it was really a wild garden, with not much formal planting except on the main terrace.

The garden was on a slope that led down to the River Yealm, and as we walked around we had frequent views of the river and boats moored in it through the trees .

At the far end of the garden there were views into Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo.

Having walked around most of the 12 acres of the garden we finished off our visit with a lovely cream tea, courtesy of the ladies of Wembury Church.

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