Wednesday 27 June 2012

Wacker Quay to Antony

The weather had been dreadful recently, not what you would expect in June.  It seemed to rain most days so we realised most paths would be muddy.  Sunday was not a particularly good day but at least it was dry so we took the opportunity to have a short walk.

I had read that the pathway between Wacker Quay and Antony had recently been worked on by volunteers so we decided to take a look at this path.  Beforehand we called into Antony House and had a walk around the gardens.  They were not looking as good as I remember them from last year.  There were however an impressive row of trees with white flowers.

We walked down to the Woodland Garden but the path was sodden and we had to squelch along.  We did do the short walk around these Gardens but on the way back walked up the road to the car park rather than back along the muddy path to Antony House.

The car park to Wacker Quay was well signposted from the main road, but it was a very narrow single track road to the car park, and a car was coming out as I was going in so I had to reverse!  We started walking along the marked path from the Quay towards Antony, but it was very muddy.  Before long we turned back, but we had heard people walking below us along the side of the river so we found the way down to this 'beach' and walked along there instead.  There was a dry edge quite a long way along, only once having to pick our way through seaweed.  Eventually, though we came to marshland, but there were steps there that lead up to the path we had been on previously.  We then continued along this path hoping to reach Antony.  There were wild irises and other summer wild flowers out along the path and views of the River Lyner.  Unfortunately it was low tide so it was muddy.

Eventually, when we must have been very close to Antony, the path became so muddy we had to turn back, but it had been a pleasant walk, but not spectacular.

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