Tuesday 14 August 2012

Wembury to Heybrook Bay

Occasional showers were threatened so we thought we would do a short walk not too far from Plymouth.

Before starting we sat in the car at the Wembury Beach car park drinnking coffee and watching surfers, paddleboarders and canoeists riding small waves.

The first part of the walk along the S W Coast Path was flat and it was only near Heybrook Bay that we had a couple of hills to climb and then they were fairly gentle.  As we walked along we came to a field that had been planted with bright yellow daisies.  Other walkers told us it had been specially planted to encourage wild life.

When we got to Heybrook Bay instead of turning around and taking the same path back we went up the hill to the new NT Wembury Point Car Park.   It was a steep climb up from Heybrook Bay but then there was an old road to walk along to the car park which made for easy walking.  It was a pity about all the horse dung on the path!  The car park was small and already full at midday, so I don't think we will use it.

Along the walk we had noticed many butterflies fluttering by.  I don't usually bother to try to photograph them as they are never still long enough.  However, on the path back to the SW Coast Path we spotted a red admiral that was sunning itself in the hedge and I was able to capture it.

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