Sunday 21 April 2013

Caerhays Castle Gardens

Saturday was a bright sunny day so we decided to visit Caerhays Castle.  These gardens are renown for their magnolias, camelias and rhododendrons and we had wanted to visit them for a couple of years when we heard how magnificent they were.

The car park for the Castle was by the beach and we enjoyed sitting on the beach eating our pasty lunch.  Although it was only April and the weather had not been good so far this year there were still children playing in the sea.

As we walked up the drive to the castle we could see the colour of the rhododendrons in the background.

As we walked around the grounds time and time again we saw the most beautiful trees and bushes, with masses of primroses.  There were lots of camelias, many different types of magnolias. Some rhodendrons and azelias were out, although there were a lot more to come.  I saw my first bluebells here as well.

Walking around the gardens involved lots of walking up hills.  However the views from the top were worth the effort.

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