Friday 10 January 2014

Plym Bridge in Winter

There has been a lot of rain recently and so we thought we would see how the River Plym was flowing at Plym Bridge.  We parked on the Estover side of the river and started by looking at the river by the bridge.  Although it was flowing fast, we were surprised that it was not that deep under the bridge.

We started to walk up the river and although the ground was flooded in places the river had not broken its banks.  There was a lot of water flowing into the river from the surrounding ground, making waterfalls.

At times there was white water as the river flowed over boulders, completely submerging them, but it was nothing special until we came until the weir, just past Cann viaduct.  The water flowing over this gave a  spectacular sight.

Being winter there was not much to see in the way of flora or fauna, but we did notice some catkins by the Cann Viaduct - the first signs of spring.

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