Sunday 1 May 2016

Polzeath to Pentire Glaze

We were planning to follow the walk in the Ramblers book, "Short Cornwall Walks" and park at the National Trust car park at Pentire Glaze.  However, we missed the turning to this car park and ended up at New Polzeath.  As this was on the walk we parked there and walked from this point but in the opposite direction to the description.

To begin with we followed the South West Coast Path.  There were beautiful views  all along this walk and it was not too strenuous, although up and down at times, particularly where the path had to be diverted inland due to cliff falls.  In total we walked about 6 miles.

 From New Polzeath we had a good view across to Polzeath beach where many people were surfing.

 The first bay we came to after a short walk was Pentire Glaze Haven and we were surprised what a lovely beach this was that as deserted,

There was gorse growing on the cliff edges making the walk even prettier.

When we approached the Rumps we thought it looked like a dinosour.

Along the way we had seen the occasional bluebell, just coming out, but they were more prolific after we had walked past the Rumps, and the bluebells were out further.

There were clear signs from the coast path to the National Trust car parks and when we reached the sign to Pentire Glaze we followed this path back to the car park, then walked down the road until we came to a footpath that took us down to Pentire Glaze Haven.

When we got back to the car we carried on walking down to Polzeath beach.  Having crossed the beach we had a cup of tea a the TubeStation overlooking the beach before heading home.

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