Monday 21 March 2011

Buckland Abbey

We picked up a leaflet giving 4 walks around the estate of Buckland Abbey and decided to do the shortest,  (yellow) which they said should take an hour.  It was a pretty walk down into the valley with the stream running by and daffodils, primroses and violets around.  There will be lots of bluebells at the sides of the path in May.  The only downsize to the walk was the steep climb up to the house at the end!

We then walked around the gardens surrounding the Abbey.  One rhododendron was already out.

After a cup of tea in the refractory we decided that we would do some of the green walk.  This took us further up the hill from the yellow walk and the views were amazing.  You could see down the River Tavy valley all the way to the Tamar and Brunel Bridges.

The path took us across fields with sheep.  There were some lambs with their mothers.  We watched as large birds circled above two lambs whose mother had wandered off.  It looked as if they were eyeing them up for supper.  But as we approached the mother sheep called her lamb to her and the birds flew off.

From this top field we also had really good view over Buckland Abbey.

As we did not fancy the hill up to the Abbey if we continued on this walk we turned back half way and retraced out steps.

Next time we will do the other two walks marked out in the estate.

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