Tuesday 15 March 2011


To start the day we walked from the end of the car park in West Looe, along the river into Kilminworth Woods.  It was a nice walk initially spotting birds along the river, but the path was muddy in places and as it gradually climbed into the woods the river was more distant and difficult to see.  Half way along the path to Watergate we decided to turn back.

We then walked through the town to the beach, where we stopped for lunch.  A seagull 'bombed' us, getting mess on Andy's coat.  Was it a coincidence or did it want us to move on?  After lunch we walked back to the river where we stopped to eat an apple.  Two seagulls watched our every move, crying for food, but they kept our distance

We then drove on to Hannafore and was surprised that they are not charging for parking along the point.  It was a very pleasant walk along the sea looking out to St George's Island.  It was unfortunate that I had forgotten my camera, so could not take any photos.

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