Monday 4 April 2011

Mount Edgecombe Country Park

It was a sunny day although there was a cold wind, so we decided to go to see the camellias in Mount Edgecombe Country Park.  The ferry over from Admirals Hard to Cremyll was rougher than I have experienced before.  It was disappointing that none of the cafes or restaurants were open until Easter, the small shop by the entrance did not even have any chocolate bars for sale!

At the bottom of the park, by the sea, the camellias were newer plants and were spotted around in a rather formal way.  When we reached the top of the park there were many more camellias and they were mature plants and made a lovely display.

Again I saw a two tone pink/white camellia which I would like to purchase but it had no label. This specimen seemed to have some plain pink flowers as well as the two tone ones.

There were many other signs that spring has well and truly arrrived.  The swans were sitting on eggs by the ferry quay, the geese on the pond were making a terrible noise during their mating rituals, ferns were unfurling, and there were lots of primroses, rhododendrums and other spring flowers.

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