Saturday 1 October 2011

Grenofen to Double Waters

Even though it was now October, the weather forecasters were predicting a scorching hot day.  We thought that most people would head for the coast and it might be too hot to walk far there, so we chose to do one of the walks in "On the beaten track"  The walk in the book started at Buckland Monachorum, but we decided to shorten it slightly and start at the Long Ash Garden Centre.

To begin with we walked across the open moor between Dartmoor ponies, with beautiful views across to tors in the distance.  We gradually started to walk down the hill, and it seemed quite a gentle slope to begin with but as we approached Grenofen it became very steep and the path stony and difficult to walk on.

The river and bridge at Grenofen looked beautiful with the sun shining through trees lighting up parts in contrast to the parts in the shadow.

Bridge at Grenofen
Having crossed the bridge we walked down by the side of the river all the way to Double Waters.  There was quite a lot of water flowing and it was lovely to hear it as it rushed across the granite boulders in rapids.

River Walkham

River Walkham 

Photo taken with auto setting

Photo taken with sport setting

At Double Waters, where the River Tavey meets the River Walkham, which we have just walked along, we  crossed the bridge  and started to walk up the hill.

River Tavy taken from bridge at Double Waters

Bridge at Double Waters

There now followed a section of walking up hill until we reached roads near Buckland Monachorum.  As we had not parked our car there we left the suggested path and followed the road back to Long Ash.  This was fairly flat but there was hedges both sides of the road and no footpaths so not the best walking route.  As promised it was a very hot afternoon and so we were very ready for a sit down and tea and cake at the Garden Centre Cafe at the end of the walk.

Walking by the river had been delightful but the walk back up to the car and the steep section down to Grenofen was not so pleasant.  On a future walk, once the path is open again, I would walk from Magpie Corner to Grenofen and then down to Double Water and return the same way.

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