Saturday 15 October 2011

Plymbridge in Autumn

It was a mild autumn day with the sun ocassionally coming out, so we went to see if the leaves had started to change colour in Plym Bridge Woods.

At Plym Bridge
We parked on the Plympton side of  Plym Bridge and crossed the river to walk up the river. It was a muddy path at times but there was not that much water coming down the river. At one point we had to crawl under and clamber over   a fallen tree!  Some of the trees had begun to change colour  but there was still a lot of green leaves on the trees.

We crossed the river at one point and continued walking up towards Bickleigh.  The path here was better, but before we reached Bickleigh we had a steep climb, which although was a proper path was rough.  At the top of this hill we came to the cycle path that took us back to Plym Bridge. On this path we were high up in the trees and there was some lovely views down into the valley and across Dartmoor as we crossed the 3 viaducts.

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