Thursday 26 July 2012

Bedford Bridge to Grenofen and Gem Bridge

The weather continues to be scorching hot, not pleasant to walk in, but after so many weeks of wet weather we wanted to get out into the fresh air and enjoy the countryside.  We therefore chose a walk through woods where we would be sheltered from the sun.  We also started early in the morning so we could finish walking before the temperature rose too high at midday.

We parked the car at Bedford Bridge (Magpie Corner) and walked along  the river to Grenofen.  At times we were picking or way through tree roots, or over boulder in streams joining the main river or skirting muddy patches.  So although it was lovely to walk by the river it was not the easiest of walks in places.  Half way along the large legs of the new Gem Bridge came into view.  It is certainly a huge structure and feat of engineering, but with all the trees we did not get a good view of it.

We continued on to Grenofen Bridge where we stopped for a drink.  Although we had been in the shade nearly all the way we were  still feeling the heat.  Refreshed we headed up the hill towards Roborough.  This is the steep hill we came down last time and commented then that we would not like to climb!  We took the first pathway off and walked through woods.  This time the path was much better and before long we saw the Gem Bridge.

We had to walk on a bit further before we could get on the new cycle path, and we then walked across the bridge to see what the view was like from that.

The river was a long way down, but there were far reaching views towards Dartmoor.

We started to walk along the cycle route, but it was out in the open sun so we were glad when we saw a path through the woods.  We followed this path down to Bedford Bridge.

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