Sunday 15 July 2012

Sibbleback Lake

There was a break  in the wet weather on Sunday, but we knew that paths would be very muddy so we chose to go to Sibbleback  as we had heard that the had up graded the path that wound around the Lake.

When we arrived, after the long narrow road from the main road to the Lake, we saw that people were wakeboarding on the zip line.  We were fortunate to get a space in the car park that allowed us to watch as we sat in our car.

We then set off to walk around the lake.  The path certainly was better than the last time we did this walk and it was a good path all the way round with very little mud.  There was not much activity on the lake, just one yacht, a fisherman and the wakeboarders.  There were foxgloves at the side of the lake which brightened some of the views.

The path stayed close to the lakeside, so this was a flat walk and very easy.  We were soon back at the start to enjoy a cup of tea in the cafe and watch the wakeboarders again.

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