Saturday 30 March 2013

Daffodils in Salcombe

We parked the car above North Sands and started our day drinking coffee on the benches watching people surfing.   We then walked into Salcombe town centre.  Because the trees were not yet in leaf  there was a clear view down to the river and the fort on the edge of the water.

Further along the road we saw that Woodcot House had an open garden.  I had long wanted to see this garden so was delighted to see we were in Salcombe on the right day this year.  There were banks of daffodils in the gardens and these looked particularly good with the backdrop of the estuary.

After walking around Salcombe we returned to our car.  Initially we had planned to walk from there to Overbecks, but by this time we did not fancy the climb up and down to South Sands and then up to Overbecks.  We knew the car park at Overbecks is small and there were a lot of visitors in Salcombe so we anticipated there would not be space to park there.  Instead we drove to East Soar NT car park and walked to Overbecks from there.  The NT guide book told us this was a mile walk.  When we got out of the car the sign said it was 2 km.  We started walking down the road to East Soar farm  and when we reached the gate which we had to go through to walk across the field the sign post said it was 1.5 miles!  It was a flat good path and the fields were not even too muddy.  As we started to walk down to Overbecks there was views to the estuary towards Salcombe.

When we arrived at the admission gate of Overbecks we mentioned that we had walked from the East Soar car park and so received tokens worth £1 each off whatever we bought in the cafe.

The garden was somewhat disappointing.  Overbecks is obviously not a spring garden.  There were a few daffodils but nothing spectacular.  Woodcot House garden we visited in Salcombe had a much better display of daffodils.  There was one magnolia tree that would have looked lovely but the recent cold weather had killed the flowers.  The best part of the gardens were the views.

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