Saturday 9 March 2013

Mount Edgecumbe in Spring

It was a grey day, but promising sunshine later so we thought we would go and see the spring flowers in  Mount Edgecumbe.  From the ferry we walked along the South West Coast Path and when we reached the small beach we could see daffodils in the distance on the banks at the side of the path.

We continued walking until the steps and then followed the path back to the Mount Edgecumbe House.  Along this path there were rhododendrums and lots of camelias.

As we followed the road back down to the ferry the sun came out and we were able to see the bank of daffodils at the bottom at their best.

As we looked back at Mount Edgcumbe we could see there was a large flowering tree in their garden, although we were too far away to identify it.

When we arrived back at the ferry (after just over an hour walking) there was a large naval ship coming into the dockyard and we were able to see it up close.

The afternoon was finished off by delicious scones from the bakery at the Royal William Yard.  To begin with I thought I was going to be disappointed as they did not have any scones for sale, but there were some left from yesterday and they gave these to us.  They were lovely, and did not taste stale at all.

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