Sunday 2 June 2013

Cothele, bluebells and rhododendrons

Having walked 8 miles yesterday I felt too tired to drive far or attempt a strenuous walk, so we decided to take the train to Calstock and walk from there to Cothele House.  This is a lovely train ride as the line travels alongside the River Tamar most of the way.  As we approached Calstock we could see bluebells in the fields and apple blossom in orchards which is what we would see more of at Cothele.

From Calstock station it was a steep hill down to the river Tamar which we then walked along until we came to Cothele Woods.  The direct path to Cothele (which is about 1.25 miles from the station) goes up at the side of the wood, but we chose to carry up the Danescombe Valley as I wanted to see the bluebells in Cothele Woods.  After walking past the derelict Sawmill we took a path on the left that went uphill but away from the River Tamar.  To begin with this was a gentle incline but it then became steeper as we made our way to the top of the woods.  However, as we climbed we could see the bluebells.

The bluebells were not as spectacular as those in Wembury Woods.  It looked as if some of them were past their best.

At the top of the hill we turned left on to a flat wide path called Lady's Walk and continued along this until coming to a small path that went down to the main path from Calstock to Cothele.  As we approached Cothele we could see lots of colour from rhododendrons in the Valley Garden.  However, we decided to first visit the orchard to see the apple blossom.  Many of the trees had finished flowering but there were still a few at their best.

All the gardens around the house were looking lovely, particularly the beds on the terraced gardens.

After a delicious tea in the garden of the restaurant we went to explore the Valley Garden.  There were lots of large rhodoendrons trees giving bold colour and  orange bottle brush shrubs giving a bright contrast  against the purple, pink, red and white rhododendrons.

From the Valley Gardens we walked back to Calstock, this time taking the direct route.  As we were a little early for the train when we reached Calstock we continued on to the quay where there was a festival going on.  We browsed the stalls and listened to the music before heading up the hill to the station.

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