Friday 31 May 2013

St Austell to Pentewan

We caught the 10.42 train from Plymouth to St Austell.  This train had  only 2 coaches and as it was a school holiday and lovely sunny day it was very crowded.  Most people got off at Liskeard and it was then a more pleasant journey.

Once at St Austell we walked down through the town and out to Pentewan Road.  There was a very busy double roundabout to cross and in retrospect we realised we should have walked further up the road before crossing.

To begin with we walked along the pavement but soon we came to the Pentewan Vally Cycle Trail which took us on a path parallel to the road next to the St Austell river and then into Kings Wood.  It was a very good path, flat all the way and it was a pleasant walk.  I had read there were bluebells in Kings Wood and there were some, but they were not giving a spectacular show yet.

After 4 miles we reached Pentewan.  This was a pleasant village and the beach was lovely.  After sitting on the edge of the beach and ate our lunch while watching people enjoying the sea and sand, we set off back to St Austell.  

When we got back to the edge of St Austell we followed the signs of Cycle Route 3 instead of going the most direct way.  This meant we did not have to cross the double roundabout, but it was a long way round and we missed seeing the town centre.

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