Tuesday 28 May 2013

East Dartmoor Nature Reserve

Although the bluebell season is nearly over we thought we might see some on Dartmoor where it is colder.  We drove to Bovey Tracey then up on to Dartmoor.  We were looking for a car park we had seen on a map but turned too soon and ended up at the Yarner Wood car park.  We decided we would explore this wood before continuing on our journey.  We took the path that was clearly marked as the nature trail.  At either end of the walk near the car park the path was very good although it was narrower and slightly muddy further away.

There were a few bluebells around, but the highlight of the walk was seeing a toad on the path.

We then drove on to the car park that was at the side of the road overlooking the Bovey Valley.  We walked down the bridleway to the base of the Bovey Valley.  This was a long, but not too steep hill.  To begin with the path was some distance from the river but we continued on to the second bridge where we crossed a brook and then started to walk along the bank of the river Bovey.  There were some bluebells in flower, but mainly on the other bank of the river.

After walking nearly an hour the path became rough with lots of stones so we stopped for lunch and then turned back.  When we got back to Hisley Bridge we diverted from the path to cross the Bridge and walk along the river.  There were a lot more bluebells here in Hisley Wood and there was a lovely scent as we walked along.

Hisley Bridge was a lovely old bridge with cobbles across it.

After walking for a while along the river we turned back to Hisley Bridge and continued along the bridle path up the hill to the car.

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