Wednesday 22 May 2013

Bluebells at Antony

Having been away for a hectic weekend we were tired and did not want to drive far or have an energetic walk.  Antony House was therefore and ideal place to visit as it is very close to Plymouth, on easy roads, and the walk around the Woodland Garden is a gentle pleasant stroll.

The gardens around Antony House are not that special or extensive, although the irises were out against  the walls or the Walled Garden.

There were lots of bluebells out in the Woodland Garden, some growing amongst the long grass were not very spectacular, but in places there were carpets of them.

There was also swathes of white wild garlic and many azaleas and rhododendrons giving bright patches of colour.

The Woodland Garden is a delightful place to stroll around in the spring and we felt refreshed by visiting it and enjoying the plant growing there.

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