Monday 6 May 2013

Clearbrook to Shaugh Bridge

Recently I was re-reading my blog regarding what we did in May 2011.  On 6 May  we walked from Clearbrook to Shaugh Bridge as described at  At the time I wrote that I would like to do the same walk but keeping by the river.  We decided that today would be a good day to do this.

We parked the car at Clearbrook and walked down the hill to Hoo Meavy.  We walked along by the River Meavy.  To begin with it was an easy flat walk through fields.  Soon we were at Goodameavy.  Here we crossed over the bridge and walked on the other side of the river.  To begin with the path was good, but it became rougher as we neared Shaugh Bridge.  It was lovely, though, walking beside the river as it gurgled down past granite boulders.

After just over an hour we reached Shaugh Bridge and we were glad that there was an icecream van there.  Having been refreshed we started to walk back on the other side of the river.  This was not such a good path and we had to scramble over boulders and fallen trees.  At one point we saw some ducks enjoying the sunshine.

When we did this walk in 2011 there were lots of bluebells out, but today, although the same date, we saw very few.  We did see some by the river on the way back, though.

When we nearly got back  to Goodameavy we scrambled up a bank to get to the cycle path.  We followed this back to our car.

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