Saturday 4 May 2013

Buckland Abbey Estate

During the week there was a bluebell walk around the estate at Buckland Abbey.  We did not go on this, but thought we would explore the estate surrounding Buckland Abbey today and see the bluebells for ourselves.  At the reception we were given a map of walks around the estate and were told that there were some bluebells out on the south facing slopes between the red and blue walk.  We therefore decided to do the longer blue walk that goes around the edge of the estate, following the river Tavy for most of the time.  It was suppose to be 3 miles long.

As we walked up the Beech Avenue there were lovely views out to the River Tamar.  We then crossed a field full of sheep with young lambs.  When we entered The Great Wood we were disappointed that there were no bluebells out as in the first part of this wood there are masses of bluebells.  We continued on the blue walk and it was quite some time before we saw any bluebells.      From the distance we saw a blue haze on the wooded banks above the path on the south side.  Although some plants had started to flower not all the individual flowers had opened and in between the plants were some not out at all.

As we approached Buckland Abbey we could see there were some lovely magnolias, camelias and rhododendrons out in the gardens.  So after we were refreshed by tea and cake in the cafe we walked around the Cider House Garden and then the gardens around the Abbey.

Fritillia in Cider House Garden

Magnolia and azelias in Cider House Garden

Cider House Garden

Azelias in Cider House Garden

Rhodendrons and Azelias
Although we were disappointed not to see more bluebells it was a very pleasant walk and the gardens were lovely.

Once home I compared my photos with previous ones I have taken at bluebell time at Buckland Abbey and was interested to see that in 2011 that the bluebells were all out on 3 May.  See

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