Wednesday 10 July 2013

Around Burrator

We have frequently visited Burrator Reservoir and walked around part of it using the quiet road that winds around it.  However, today was hot and sunny so we wanted a shaded walk so decided to try walking around the reservoir in the woodland that surrounds it.  We parked at the dam and immediately saw we were in for a very pretty walk as the water was sparkling and very blue.

We started walking towards Burrator House.  When we reached that gate that leads to the woodland path there was a sign saying the path was closed for repairs.  We continued walking on the road and soon came to a stile where we could enter the reservoir surrounds.  There was a definite path around the water, although there were no signs.  The path was generally good, although at times there were tree roots on the path and other times it was stony.  We were able to walk right down to the water edge and there were lovely views around the reservoir.

At one point we came upon a family of dartmoor ponies.

At various times as we walked we came upon patches of foxgloves that brightened the environment.

After walking along one bank of the reservoir we started walking along a river until we came to Norsworthy Bridge.  Here we had to climb over another stile to get onto the road.  Having crossed the bridge we had to walk along the road for a short while before going over another stile into the woodland again.  The path on this side of the reservoir was not so good and sometimes muddy.  At one  point we had to scramble down a small bank and cross a stream.

The walk took 2 hours in total and it was only in the last third that we came to seats.  There were several at the top end of the reservoir where there was a compacted path, and a lovely view.

The path came out to the road just before the dam so we did not have far to walk on the road before we were back at our car.  This is definitely a walk we will do again.

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