Sunday 7 July 2013

Cann Wood

We have now lived in Plymouth for two and a half years.  During this time we have found many lovely places to walk, some close by and some further afield.  We often go to Plym Bridge and have seen a footpath up to Cann Woods but we have never explored this woods.  Today was a hot day and we only had a morning free to walk so we thought this would be a good place to go as it is only just outside Plymouth.

We chose to follow the walk which the Forestry Commission have marked out with blue posts, which was 2.75 miles.  It did not take us all the way down to the River Plym, but as that was in a valley it meant we did not have a steep climb up.  The walked was well marked which was as well as there were lots of paths criss-crossing the woods.  Whenever we came to a junction there was a post and then one a little way inside the correct path to reassure us we were on the right way.

There were lovely views at various parts of the walk, across the Plym valley to Estover, out to the moors, to the china clay workings etc. There were not many flowers to be seen except for foxgloves.
Foxgloves among new trees planted, with view of Dartmoor

Unfortunately the walk was not in as much in shade as we had hoped.  Some of the paths were amongst trees but most were in the open.  Normally this would not be a problem but today we would have appreciated a cooler walk.

This is definitely somewhere we will return to, next time we must follow the path to Plymbridge Woods and there is also the hill fort to view.

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