Sunday 25 August 2013

Bere Alston to Bere Ferrers via Tamar Discovery Trail

Having done the first part of the the Tamar Discovery Trail a couple of days ago we thought we would attempt another section today.  We took the train to Bere Alston, which is always a very pleasant journey.  When we came out of the station it was not clear which way to go as there were footpath signs in 3 directions.  Looking at our map we realised we needed to walk towards the village and headed in that direction.  We knew we had to turn off the road in the village but we did not see the sign and had to turn around and retrace our steps.  The sign was attached to a road name sign.  From our map it looked as if we had to turn off this road after a short while but there was no signs, however as there had been no signs on this trail elsewhere we followed our instinct but yet again we were wrong!  We walked around an residential estate and came out where we started. We asked someone we passed the direction and so were confident as we continued walking down the road.  This was a good track going gradually downhill that led us to Lockridge Farm.

As soon as we passed the farm the path became became small and was overrun with grass (which was wet and slippery) and nettles.  Fortunately the path did improve and we went on for a while until we came to a very steep hill.  This was difficult to walk up as the path consisted of  loose earth.  At the top there was a stile but no sign telling us which way to go.  We started climbing up the field and came to a stile marked a public footpath, but it did not have the apple sign for the Tamar Discovery Trail and we thought we needed to follow the direction of the river so we went along the other side of the field. At least the views from this field were good.

The end of the field as a dead end so we retraced our steps and went to the stile at the top of the field.  As we followed the direction of the footpath sign we came to another stile and this time it had an apple sign on it!  Why wasn't the previous stile marked?  We continined along the path and discovered that approximately every other stile was marked.  This was OK as the the path went straight on until we came to the road at Weir Quay.  This was the best  stretch of walk - a good path (a quiet road) and pleasant views of the river.  Although it was unfortunate the tide was out so there was a lot of mud.

We continued along the road, first uphill and then down, until there was a path off that went along a stream.  Fortunately we saw the steps leading to this as the signpost marking it had fallen over.  We continued along this path until the entrance to Thorn Point.  We attempted to go down to the point but it was too marshy to walk through.  There was no Discovery Trail sign at this  point but followed the map hoping we were going right.  Eventually we found another sign.  We then walked into Bere Ferrers and we glad to stop at the Old Plough for a drink.

We started to walk on to Lopwell, but with all the diversions if we had gone all the way we would have missed the next train and we did not want to wait a further 2 hours, so after a while we turned around and made our way back to the Station and the train back to Plymouth.

Of all the walks we have done, this must be the worse as far as poor marking and the condition of the path in places.  From the map it looked as if there would have been good views of the river for a lot of the way, but this was also disappointing.  We definitely won't be doing this walk again!

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