Sunday 11 August 2013

Lerryn to St Winnow

We parked the car at the car park in Lerryn that overlooks the creek.  The stepping stones across the water were submerged so we walked past the houses and across the road bridge.  We walked up the hill then turned down a road on the left that led us back to the riverside.  From here we walked along the creek until it met the river Fowey.  With the tide going out there was a lot of mud but it was still a pleasant walk through woodland.  It was mainly flat with some undulation as we walked up away from the water and them down again.  At a couple  of points we had to go across stepping stones as there was an inlet of water but it was mainly a good path.

When we reached the River Fowey there was good views down the Fowey.  It was a pity it was a cloudy day and not high tide.

View down River Fowey to Golant

Fungi in the wood along the path
When we reached the River Fowey we continued walking along its bank until we came to St Winnow. At we approached this village there were a couple of steep stiles and then we had to walk around a corner on the beach at edge of the water until we came to the centre of the village.

Looking up the River Fowey from St Winnow

St Winnow
We decided that instead of retracing our steps we would walk across the fields on a more direct path back to Lerryn.  To begin with the path was clearly marked but we had to walk through fields full of cows and although the view back was good it was not spectacular.  There were a number of stiles that had to be climbed over.  Eventually we came to stile and some steps that led us down to a forestry road.  Our instinct told us to turn left, but as we walked along we realised this path was leading away from the river and Lerryn.  We read our guide book and realised we should have turned right then left, but rather than head back we continued on hoping that we would be able to get back on track.  After walking for half an hour we were on a road which we thought should lead us to Lerryn, but we could not see it and it did not look familiar, so we decided to turn back.   After we got back to the stile and steps it did not take us long to get back to the creekside and within half an hour we were back in Lerryn.  This time we crossed the creek by the stepping stones.

The walk along the creek and riverside was very pleasant, but I would not bother to try to walk back across the fields.  Even if we had not got lost there was not anything worthwhile to see.

Once home we studied a detailed map and realised if we had continued to walk along the road we would have come to Lerryn, but it was quite a busy and narrow road, so I am glad we turned back when we did.

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