Thursday 27 February 2014


As a break from driving we decided to take the bus from Plymouth to Tavistock.  We had been wanting to do this for a few weeks since we learnt there is a duo ticket that meant both us of could travel there and back for £8, which we thought was good value.  We caught the double decker bus by Plymouth Railway Station and enjoyed the view from the top deck during the journey.

After coffee in the Wharf coffee shop we started by walking along the river to the centre of Tavistock.  There was a lot of water coming down the weir.

We spent a pleasant hour looking around the pannier market, the stalls outside and other shops before a fish and chip lunch.The market is certainly a very interesting place to visit.

We then walked up to the viaduct and onto the old railway line that is now a cycle and foot path.  From here we had an elevated view of Tavistock.  After going under several bridges we came to a road which we followed downhill until we came back to the main road by Drakes statue.  Another time we will walk up the canal from here but today we made our way back to the centre of Tavistock.  We had intended to walk along the canal but we noticed some purple by the river and so went to investigate.  It was masses of crocuses that had been planted at the end of  Meadowlands.  A lovely cheerful site.

Tavistock is definitely a good destination for a day out from Plymouth, and with buses every half an hour it is easy to use public transport.

Saltram and Bovisand

On 20th February we went to see the spring flowers in Saltram Gardens.  Most of the snowdrops were past their best, but the crocuses made a lovely display.

As there were black clouds gathering we did not want to walk around Saltram Park, so instead drove on to Bovisand where we sheltered in the cafe until the rain had past.  We had heard that the recent storms had washed the sand away from Sandy Palour so when the rain stopped I walked down the steps to see for myself.  I hardly recognised the beach where I had spent may happy hours building sandcastles and dams to try to stop the water coming in.  Now it is a rocky beach, with only one small patch of sand.  Where will all the sunbathers lie you?  I came away feeling quite sad.

At the bottom of the steps where you walk across rocks I noticed that the rocks were showing interesting copper colours.  Also there were a number of cracks in the rocks and some had already been damaged.  I had never seen this before.

Saturday 15 February 2014

River Erme at Ivybridge Woods

After weeks of heavy rain we anticipated the river Erme at Ivybridge would be looking spectacular.  And we were not disappointed.  The water was rushing down over boulders at speed.  There was definitely white water!  There was a lot of water running off the land either side of the valley making streams and waterfalls as it ran into the river.

One of the stream running down to the river

Storm damage at Mount Batten

We have weeks of storms and heavy seas, including last night.  Today it was dry so we thought we would go for a walk around Mount Batten.  As we walked along by the river we were surprised to see the damage that has been caused by the sea.  Stones had been flung from the river onto the path.  Paving stones on the path beside the water had been taken up and flung across the grass.

The wall around the seating area of the Mount Batten Inn had been damaged and men were making it safe.  The gangway to the ferry pontoon had also been damaged and the ferry was docking further up the river.

It was amazing that there was so much damage in what is a relatively sheltered spot, in the lee of  Mount Batten  and within in the breakwater.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Saltram snowdrops

For once it wasn't raining so we went for a quick walk at Saltram.  I particularly wanted to see the snowdrops that I anticipated would be out by now.  And I was not disappointed.  As soon as we entered the gardens we saw the snowdrops that had been planted in the first flower bed during the last year.

There were also snowdrops around several of the trees and at the side of the Lime Walk and other beds in the gardens.

There were also other  flowers out showing that Spring was on the way.  An occasional daffodil was in flower, although most were still in bud and and there were some primroses peeping through.  Crocuses  were showing their colour but not fully out.  Amongst some of the beds of snowdrops there were aconites.

There were also shrubs and trees in blossom adding to the colour in the garden that brightened the day.



Witch Hazel

 Having walked around the gardens we decided to walk down to Snowdrop Wood in the grounds on the Boundary Walk towards Marsh Mills.  On the way we saw a new signpost which was a very interesting design.

 There were a lot of wild snowdrops in the area of Snowdrop Wood.