Saturday 1 February 2014

Saltram snowdrops

For once it wasn't raining so we went for a quick walk at Saltram.  I particularly wanted to see the snowdrops that I anticipated would be out by now.  And I was not disappointed.  As soon as we entered the gardens we saw the snowdrops that had been planted in the first flower bed during the last year.

There were also snowdrops around several of the trees and at the side of the Lime Walk and other beds in the gardens.

There were also other  flowers out showing that Spring was on the way.  An occasional daffodil was in flower, although most were still in bud and and there were some primroses peeping through.  Crocuses  were showing their colour but not fully out.  Amongst some of the beds of snowdrops there were aconites.

There were also shrubs and trees in blossom adding to the colour in the garden that brightened the day.



Witch Hazel

 Having walked around the gardens we decided to walk down to Snowdrop Wood in the grounds on the Boundary Walk towards Marsh Mills.  On the way we saw a new signpost which was a very interesting design.

 There were a lot of wild snowdrops in the area of Snowdrop Wood.

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