Thursday 27 February 2014

Saltram and Bovisand

On 20th February we went to see the spring flowers in Saltram Gardens.  Most of the snowdrops were past their best, but the crocuses made a lovely display.

As there were black clouds gathering we did not want to walk around Saltram Park, so instead drove on to Bovisand where we sheltered in the cafe until the rain had past.  We had heard that the recent storms had washed the sand away from Sandy Palour so when the rain stopped I walked down the steps to see for myself.  I hardly recognised the beach where I had spent may happy hours building sandcastles and dams to try to stop the water coming in.  Now it is a rocky beach, with only one small patch of sand.  Where will all the sunbathers lie you?  I came away feeling quite sad.

At the bottom of the steps where you walk across rocks I noticed that the rocks were showing interesting copper colours.  Also there were a number of cracks in the rocks and some had already been damaged.  I had never seen this before.

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