Tuesday 31 August 2021

Cadover - June 14th

 I have just realised I have not posted any blogs on walks I have done since the beginning of June.  There have not been many as I have spent time with grandchildren and  details of  the long weekend away in Padstow are in my holiday blog.  However there have been a couple of walks that I should record.

In the middle of June I drove to Cadover intending to walk to Shaugh Bridge.  This is a repeat of a walk I did when I first moved to Plymouth.  I started walking through the woods following a broken pipe line.   The path was rough with lots of tree roots and stones sticking up.  I took the upper path as I hoped it would be better than the one nearer the river.  At one point the path became smooth and so I was not watching my feet so carefully and tripped over a tree root.  I went flying!  Fortunately there was not real damage but I was shaken up.  I continued walking for a while and saw the Dewstone on the other side of the river, but when it came to a muddy slippery patch I did not feel confident to jump from one stone to another so turned back.

On the way back I took the lower path and there was some lovely views of the river.  It looks so different to  when it flows over flatter ground near Cadover Bridge.

It was a pity not to have made it to Shaugh Bridge, but having had many months not able to walk because of an injured knee I did not want to damage it again.  I am conscious I need to walk on easy paths these days.

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