Tuesday 31 August 2021

Cremyl to Milbrook

 Walking around Mount Edgecumbe is always good, and an ideal place to go on Bank Holidays when the roads are busy. We made an early start so we could get an car parking space near Admirals Hard and drank our coffee in Mount Edgecumbe Park watching a very large ship coming down the Tamar and out to sea.


There were a number of hydrangeas in the park, varying in colour to bright blue to pink. 

After walking around the Park we decided to try a new walk and go to Milbrook.  From the entrance to Mount Edgecumbe House we crossed the road and followed a path through woods.  This was a well defined earth path that initially ran parallel to the road but gradually went down hill.  Occasionally we had glimpses through the trees out to the river, even as far as the Tamar Bridge. 

The path became steeper towards the end and eventually it came down to the waters edge at Higher Anderton.  We then walked along the lakeside road towards Milbrook.  It was high tide so the Lake was pretty.  We crossed over the causeway and around the pond to the bus stop in the village.  As a bus was due I could not stop to take any pictures of pond, where there were geese and swans. 

The bus took us back to Cremyll and we sat again in the Park eating our lunch.  I always enjoy discovering new walks and this is one I will definitely be doing again.  I have heard there are lots of bluebells in Clarick Woods so I aim to come back next May.

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