Friday 16 September 2011

Bigbury to Westcombe Beach

When we walked from Wonwell in an eastward direction we went as far as Westcombe Beach.  Previously we had walked from Bolbery Down to Hope Cove and  Hope Cover to Bantham which is just across from Bigbury, so we wanted to 'join the dots' and link these walks.

We parked at Bigbury and walked to Chalaborough.


There was then a gentle hill up to the top of the cliffs.  From there there were wonderful views back to Bigbury and Burgh Island.

As we approached Ayrmer Cove there was a steep path downhill and an even steeper hill out.  Then we came to Westcombe Beach with an even steeper path downhill!  Although the walk was not that long (less than 2 miles out) it had taken us longer than anticipated because of hilly nature of the walk.  So we turned back.  This is not a walk I would want to repeat.

The path down to Westcombe Beach

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