Monday 12 September 2011


We parked the car in a residential road parallel to the coast road.  We started walking eastward.  After a short portion up the road we turned into a muddy path that climbed up to the golf course. After walking through a couple of golf holes we came out to a cliff top walk with views across to Whitsand Bay.

We walked on to the edge of the firing range at Tregantle Fort.  The red flag was flying so we could not go across the range.  We had already walked this way when we walked from Whitsand Bay so we turned back and retraced our steps to Portwrinkle.

After lunch we walked in the opposite direction.  To begin with we came to the harbour, but it was low tide so there was no water in it.  We then climbed up to the cliffs to walk towards Downderry.  There was a lot of   hills in this walk and we were walking into the wind and it was very windy so we turned back after walking abut 30 minutes.

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