Thursday 23 February 2012

Brixham and Dartington Hall Gardens

The weather forecasters said that today would be the warmest day of the year, but, apart from Torbay, Devon and Cornwall was going to be misty.  We decided to believe them and drove to Brixham.  Sure enough as we got closer the drizzle stopped and the sun came out.  We parked in a residential road just before the town centre and walked down to the Harbour and around to the Breakwater.  We were hoping to see some seals, dolphins or even sharks that are supposed to visit the bay, but although we walked all along the Breakwater and back we did not sight any.  We stopped for lunch at the Breakwater Bistro at the end of the Breakwater and had a wonderful view across Torbay.

Following lunch we walked back to the harbour and out along the other side of the bay where we had seen seals in the past, but there were none there today.

We then returned to the car and drove to Dartington Hall to view the gardens there.  As you entered the courtyard you were greeted by bright crocuses.

The crocuses were also out under the tree in front of the Hall, but they looked better from a distance that up close as they weren't that closely planted

In the gardens themselves there were loads of snowdrops as well as more crocuses and some daffodils.  The witch hazel and Christmas roses were also in full bloom.

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