Sunday 19 February 2012

Pencarrow on Snowdrop Sunday

Pencarrow House and Gardens does not open to visitors until the beginning of March.  But it is known for its snowdrops so opens the gardens for charity a couple of times in February so people can see the snowdrop display.

It took us an hour to drive there, but as soon as we turned into the drive we knew it was worth it.  There were rhododendrums and camelias on either side of the long drive and some of the camelias were already in flower.

There were lots of snowdrops to see as we walked in the Gardens of Pencarrow House and up the stream to the Lake. There were also camelias and some daffodils out.

After a cup of tea and biscuit we went to the other side of the drive where there was a wood.  We walked through this  to a Holly Walk and saw more snowdrops.

There were any bluebell and garlic plants in the woods, I am sure it would be worth visiting Pencarrow again with the bluebells and rhododendrums are out.  The Holly Walk ended up at the drive, so we walked down this admiring the camelias at close quarters and saw there were also primroses and snowdrops at the side of the road.

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