Wednesday 8 February 2012

Lanhydrock in winter

It was a cold February day, but the sun was shining so we decided to see what the gardens at Lanhydrock looked like in winter.

As we walked down from the car park to the House we noticed clumps of snowdrops growing in the wood by the reception.  Men were cutting down trees so I had to just admire them from a distance.

There was not many flowers out in the garden.  Camelias had been out but the frost the last few days had killed the blooms and the white ones were now brown. As we walked around the gardens we came to the small thatched cottage.  I had never noticed this before and it looked so quaint with snowdrops in the front garden.

From the gardens we walked through the woods to the River Fowey.  After crossing the river we walked to Respryn Bridge and then back to Lanhydrock House.  This is always a pleasant walk, but there was not much  to see this time.

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