Wednesday 16 May 2012

Bluebells in Burrator Woods

We had just an afternoon to get out into the countryside, so we chose to go to Meavy to see what the bluebells were like in Burrator Woods.

We parked by the River Meavy and walked up the road to Merchant Cross and then down the road to Yeo Farm.  When we got to the farm we went through a series of stiles and continued to climb towards Sheepstor. After we had been walking about 20 minutes we came to the entrance to Burrator Woods which was a matter of climbing a 3 rung ladder to get over a wall.  As we got into the woods we immediately saw all the bluebells.  The path wound through them and we continued walking until we came to the exit to the wood.  At this point we turned around and made our way back to the car.

We then drove to Burrator Reservoir to see how full it was after all the rain we have had recently.  There was only a trickle coming over the dam, although the reservoir was very full.  The yellow rhododendrens were out but the other colours were still in bud.

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