Saturday 12 May 2012

Ince Castle

We haven't been able to get out and about lately as the weather has been so wet and we have had our hands full looking after Oscar and Dixon.  But today the sun was shining and Ince Castle Gardens was open for charity.  We had visited these gardens last year and were very impressed with them so I was keen to take my Mum to see them

When we visited last time there were lots of early spring flowers like daffodils and snowdrops.  To maintain this display they had not cut the grass so there were lots of wild areas, with cow parsley, wild garlic interspersed with bluebells.  Occasionally there were some wild orchids.

The rhododendrens were a little disappointing.  Some of the plants did not look very healthy, but one or two of them gave bright splashes of colour.

A lot of summer plants were out, but there were still lots of young plants in the greenhouse and had not been planted out yet.  The formal beds will certainly be a lot more colourful when they are.  There was wisteria growing up the back of the house and one wisteria was a feature plant in the lawn at the side of the Castle.

All around the gardens there were beautiful views of the River Lyhner, but the peace of the garden was rather spoilt by lots of noisy children running around and the charity the garden was open for was a local school.

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