Thursday 17 May 2012

Bluebells on Holwell Lawn

We had heard that there was always a lovely display of bluebells at Holwell Lawn at the foot of Haytor so decided to go to see for ourselves.

The forecast was for showers in the morning clearing to a sunny afternoon, but it was still raining when we got to Haytor.  We drove on to Hound Tor and stopped for lunch then as the rain stopped drove back and parked in a lay-by at the edge of Holwell Lawn.  The bluebells were not as bright blue as we had hoped but still looked good.

After returning to our car we drove on to Emsworth Nature Reserve.  I had read that there were bluebells there, but although we walked some way into the reserve we could not see any signs of them and as it started to rain again we returned to the car.

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