Tuesday 19 April 2016

Calstock and Cothele

Last week we drove to Cothele Quay and walked to Calstock.  There were lots of spring flowers in the woods, with the bluebells just coming out.

The views to the viaduct and over the river are always beautiful and today we were fortunate to see a train going over the bridge.

Usually when we walk to Calstock we then turn around and walk back, but today we decided to walk along the river following the Tamar Valley Discovery Trail.  When we had to come away from the river we took a wrong turn and walked along the road, quickly coming back to the village.  We should have gone up the hill further before turning down to the village.  It nevertheless was a pretty walk and we were rewarded with a lovely icecream after our lunch sat overlooking the river and viaduct.

We then climbed up the hill to Cothele itself.  The gardens were looking spectacular with lots of daffodils still out as well as other spring flowers.

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