Saturday 2 April 2016

Nun's Cross and Devonport Leat

We so enjoyed our walk from Princetown last week we decided to return to the same area on Thrusday 31 March to explore the area further.  This time we drove down the road towards Whiteworks and parked the car above Peat Cot Farm and walked back to the bridle path.  This time we then turned left to walk towards Nun's Cross.  The views were spectacular, we could see Burrator Reservoir in the valley below and Plymouth Sound in the distance.

When we reached Nun's Cross we walked on down to Nun's Cross Farm to look for Devonport Leat, but we could not find it.  So we made our way towards Peat Cot in the direction we thought the Leat would be taking.  Eventually we came to it, but the wall with the path was on the other side and we could not get across the leat.  We followed the leat along but it was very wet and eventually we walked uphill to the road.  We noted that the road crossed the leat, so we assumed we would be able to cross the leat at this point, which we did.   We then walked along the leat until we came to below Nun's Farm where it went into a tunnel.

We then walked back to the car the way we had come.  On the way we came to ponies grazing at the side of the path.

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