Saturday 2 April 2016


On March 25th the sun was shining.  We had avoided walking on Dartmoor during the winter so thought it was time we visited this area.  We parked in a lay-by just outside Princetown and walked down the bridle path towards South Hessary Tor and then continued on the path until the junction which we came to when we walked from Princetown in September 2011.  It was a good path so ideal after the wet winter weather we had had recently.  The views were beautiful.  It was a much better walk than down the road which is the way we went last time.

We cut across the path that led to the road and crossed the road and walked to Peat Cot Cottage and farm.  This was a muddier path, but we could avoid the puddles.  When we arrived at Peat Cot Cottage there was a sign to a footpath that led back to Princetown.  We started to follow this but it was very wet.  We continued on through one field and turned left at the end to make our way uphill.  There was a bridge over a stream but to get to it we had to go across stepping stones.  They were too far apart for our liking and so we decided at this point to turn back.

When we cross the field we were walking parallel to the Devonport Leat.  Another couple was walking along the 'wall' of this and their path was completely dry so on the way back we climbed up to this wall and it was much easier coming back.

We then retraced our path back to Princetown for an icecream.

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